As a Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, the Store will be operated by the community and any profit from the Store not required to be re-invested in the business will be put back into the community.

The purchase of shares gives members a right to vote in decisions regarding the management of the Store and each member will have one vote irrespective of how many shares are held.

Shareholders are issued with one membership share for every £10 subscribed (minimum subscription one share).

We would love you to be involved with the Store. If you would like to become a shareholder, then please read our prospectus first.

You can apply for membership of Felsham and Gedding Community Store Limited whether you live in the village or feel an association with the village through friends, the Church, local businesses, or if you are just a ‘well-wisher’. Every contribution made, however small, represents a direct investment in the business and helps to ensure the Store’s continued success.

Interested? Then our Prospectus can be viewed and downloaded below. After reviewing, please complete the Application and Nomination forms, either those contained within the Prospectus, or by downloading from the image on the right, and follow the instructions for return.

Please use our contact form before, or during your application to request the following:
• Company Rules 
• Business Plan